We’re advocating to end homelessness through more affordable housing. The Greater Miami Housing Alliance was born from the 2020 Affordable Housing Framework. The GMHA has over 100 active members, including residents, service providers, advocacy groups, government departments, housing providers, developers, and more.

Miami-Dade is in a housing crisis. It takes the entire county to solve it. We create the space to have authentic conversations about problems and implement solutions. Our research and policy recommendations aim to create new homes affordable to those earning a wide range of incomes, preserve existing housing stock, and keep people and families in the homes they already have.

The Greater Miami Housing Alliance 2025 Policy Platform

GMHA Meeting Schedule 2025

Raising Capital: TBA

Steering Committee: January 28th, April 22nd, July 22nd, October 28th

Development Policy: January 15th, March 19th, May 21st, July 16th, September 17th, October 19th

Tenant & Resident Protection: January 28th, February 25th, March 25th, April 29th, May 27th, June 24th, July 29th, August 26th, September 30th, October 28th, November 25th

To join, email Rayna Milfort, Housing Program Manager, at

HOMY: Helping our miami-dade youth

HOMY’s shared mission is to create a community dedicated to preventing and ending youth homelessness. HOMY serves and works in collaboration with Youth experiencing homelessness, individuals between the ages of 13 to 24 who are unaccompanied by a parent or guardian and who face housing insecurity.

HOMY operates under the collective impact model. Its membership includes government agencies, non-profit organizations, foundations, and service providers. The framework is rooted in the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) Framework To End Youth Homelessness and includes committees that address the core outcome areas of stable housing, well-being, permanent connections, and education and employment.

MHFA, our Youth Voice Action Council, and our partners formed the Helping Our Miami-Dade Youth (HOMY) Collective to identify and serve youth experiencing homelessness, protecting their well-being and their future. HOMY is working across our community to fill service gaps, and we need your help. If you work with vulnerable youth under age 25, please join HOMY, and join us in ensuring the future of our youth and our city. Email Anjuli Castaño at for more information about HOMY, resources for youth, and how you can join the collective.


The Greater Miami Housing Alliance could always benefit from more members! By filling out the form below, you can inform us of your interest. If you’re looking for additional information please email Rayna Milfort at